About Bahktaran Nedaye Salamat Medical Trading Company

Bahktaran Nedaye Salamat Medical Trading Company, registered under number 39885 at the Companies Registration Office on 2010/10/07, is established with the aim of importing and exporting medical equipment, providing orthopedic and cosmetic surgical services, buying and selling medical equipment and consumables, procuring and distributing medical equipment, especially specialized endoscopic surgeries. The company is managed and owned by Mohammad Reza Delshad, who has successfully performed thousands of orthopedic and cosmetic surgeries. The company takes pride in utilizing the latest arthroscopic surgical methods, employing experienced specialists, and using reputable global products for specialized services in knee, shoulder, ankle arthroscopy, arthroplasty, trauma, beauty consumables, orthopedic prosthetics. The company also conducts educational workshops in the field of beauty with official permission from the Islamic Azad University for respected physicians and specialists. With a team of experienced biomedical engineers and operating room technicians, the company aims to provide the best surgical services and cater to esteemed physicians and patients. Bahktaran Nedaye Salamat Company, in collaboration with MRD MED Group, currently operates in Khorasan province with a focus on distributing KARL STORZ products from Germany and ARTHREX products from the USA. The company strives to offer the best products and services.

The services and activities of Bahktaran Nedaye Salamat Company, in addition to providing mobile endoscopic surgery and orthopedic services in the treatment unit, include major departments such as:
– Mobile unit for endoscopic surgery and orthopedic services
– Consultation unit for orthopedic and cosmetic surgeries
– Sales unit for medical equipment and hospital consumables
– Repair and maintenance unit
– Consultation unit for equipping medical offices and clinics
– Research and development unit
– Workshop organizing unit for beauty education for physicians and specialists with official permission from the university
– Sales unit for beauty equipment and consumables in MRD MED Group

Ultimately, the primary goal of the company is to address the comprehensive needs of the medical community and esteemed patients. Therefore, the colleagues at Bahktaran Nedaye Salamat Medical Engineering Company and MRD MED are committed to providing the best treatment techniques, hospital equipment, and beauty solutions to physicians and fellow citizens through great efforts. They aim to elevate the level of medical expertise, increase patient awareness, and take small steps towards salvation and service.

Our colleagues at Bahktaran Nedaye Salamat Company and MRD MED Group, after years of experience, are currently engaged in the field of supplying medical beauty products, medical consumables, hospital equipment, ENT, orthopedics, neurology, and actively striving to satisfy healthcare facilities, specialists, and esteemed physicians. We hope that by gathering professionals in various medical fields, we can facilitate the supply of products for healthcare facilities and specialists, reduce product prices, and provide quick access to them as a small token of appreciation for their efforts.

With the goal of updating the cycle of supplying goods to healthcare facilities and esteemed physicians, this company continues its activities in this regard. We hope to be able to assist these individuals in this matter. Our efforts focus on providing high-quality online purchasing options for medical equipment and hospital consumables for our valued users.

Considering the needs of our dear compatriots for using medical products and equipment in the recovery process and the requirements of physicians, hospitals, and healthcare facilities for medical consumables, we have decided to provide a reputable online source for purchasing such equipment to accompany you in this important and vital matter.

It is worth mentioning that with the establishment of the online medical engineering store MRD MED, we have been able to provide access to such medical and beauty equipment and consumables for all cities and villages in our beloved country, similar to large cities. We aim to make these medical supplies, equipment, and consumables available to all those in need in the fastest possible manner.

We have always strived to improve our services based on the following three principles:

– Quality products with guaranteed authenticity
– Best customer support
– Delivery of goods nationwide in the fastest possible time